
Tests magic lantern canon 5d mark iii vs. 6d
Tests magic lantern canon 5d mark iii vs. 6d

but when they happen, the transition from color value data to pure white seems creamy, gradual, and airy. I know, blown highlights are unrecoverable and never something to aim for. To my eye, there's something very specific and gorgeous about the way the sensor renders blown highlights. In real world scenarios – noon sun and deep shadows in the same exposure – the Canon 6D soaks up 13 stops of dynamic range, edging out the Canon 5D Mark III in terms of sheer power.Īnd of course, it wouldn't be a Shark & Palm review if I didn't wax poetic about the ineffable characteristic of the image quality. Reviewers have critiqued the shadow latitude of the Canon RAW – in other words, how difficult it is to push the dark areas of your photograph brighter in post without generating noise – but I haven't found this to be too significant in the case of the 6D. In areas of dense foliage where other sensors might render busy, over-sharped, or muddy, the Canon 6D captures something lush and true-to-life. The balance of sharpness and creamy bokeh captured by this sensor in tandem with professional-grade glass like the Canon 100mm f/2.8 is mind blowing.

tests magic lantern canon 5d mark iii vs. 6d

If it's age shows through the kinks in the handling or the failings in it's performance, it more than makes up for it with the sheer impact of the photos.

tests magic lantern canon 5d mark iii vs. 6d

Image quality is where the Canon 6D shines the most.

Tests magic lantern canon 5d mark iii vs. 6d